
合资 50-150人 医疗设备/器械 电子技术/半导体/集成电路


深圳北芯生命科技有限公司(Insight Lifetech)是由美国华盛顿大学、加州理工学院等海外名校的留学归国学者,国内医疗器械行业资深技术和市场专家,共同创办的高端介入和植入医疗器械提供者。“北芯”(Insight)意寓指向生命健康诊断与治疗真北(true north)的智慧芯片技术。凝聚研发、产业和临床精英的智慧与力量,致力于通过持续创新的精准诊疗技术和产品,普惠生命健康,成为在医疗科技领域有长久影响力和全球竞争力的中国企业。目前已与复旦大学附属中山医院、解放军总医院等建立密切合作,完成了中国心脏介入诊断领域多个创新技术或产品的重要突破。北芯核心价值观:1?    我们以人才为本,爱才惜才,期待与有智慧、有能力、勇于担当的伙伴共同奋斗与成长,凝聚精英,成就伟业2?    我们以“生命健康需求和创造价值”为导向,为医疗机构提供高质可靠的精准诊断和治疗技术,提升生命与健康质量3?    我们崇尚简洁高效,认为“赋能”更胜于“管理”,为您提供广阔平等的舞台和充满激情与创造力的无限空间我们为您提供中国高端介入和植入医疗器械产业发展大潮浪尖的机遇与平台;为您提供平等广阔、充满活力与创造价值的无限空间与舞台;我们层级简洁、行动高效,提供具备行业竞争力的酬薪和福利,更崇尚快乐的工作。2018,我们寻找有志于中国高端介/植入医疗器械事业的小伙伴,一起放眼全球、创造价值、共同成长。Insight Lifetech Inc. Ltd. (Shenzhen) was founded in 2015 with a mission to provide high-quality, reliable precision diagnosis and therapy medical devices through constantly innovative technologies. Insight Lifetech strives to become a leading high-end interventional diagnosis and therapy medical device company not only in China, but also globally.The core team of Insight Lifetech includes scientists from world-renowned universities including Washington Univ. in St. Louis, Caltech, Oxford, as well as elite engineers from leading medical device companies in China including Mindray and OrbusNeich. Insight Lifetech has been backed by first-class VCs from Silicon Valley and China, and is supported by key opinion leaders in interventional medicine in Greater China. The current Insight team consists of more than 40 engineers and clinical scientists with successful experience and expertise in medical electronics and interventional devices, and is undergoing rapid expansion.Insight Lifetech currently encompasses an office and engineering R&D area of 12000 square feet, and a GMP facility, including ISO class 7 clean rooms, of about another 12000 square feet.

公司地址:深圳市宝安区新安街道留芳路6号庭威产业园3栋3楼E区 (邮编:518052)
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